The Short Story of How I Learned to Walk and Think on my Mid 20’s

For months, I remember strolling around Manhattan and going through three experiences at the same time. One of my soul, one of my mind and one of my body. My soul was in awe of all the culture around me, I felt like I was exploding from inside with inspiration, I felt extasis realizing that this wonderous place was my home now, a place where … Continúa leyendo The Short Story of How I Learned to Walk and Think on my Mid 20’s

Una Mente Que Va Del Caos Al Orden

Son las 9:40, mi mente se siente muy ocupada. Noto muchos pedazos de pensamientos, me cuesta trabajo encontrar ideas terminadas. Se siente inseguro estar en mi cuerpo. Me cuesta trabajo encontrar ideas terminadas. En este punto, sé que requiero escribir. La mano lleva la pluma y me ayudan a traer mi infinita y ocupada interioridad, al orden que me regala el espacio finito del papel. … Continúa leyendo Una Mente Que Va Del Caos Al Orden

Entrada fija

Breastfeeding for everyone!

What a feeling to see this picture of my baby clinging to the warmth and nurture of my body, right after emerging to a cold and sort of lonely world (specially coming from such an embracing environment, all covered with warm liquid and full with the sound of my own life pushing forward day after day).

And so, slowly but steadily we learn how to live, how to thrive.

How truth it is, this is a world of suffering, that’s the world we inherited for playing God and having the boldness of deciding what is bad and what is good like if our preseted, polluted minds along with our short experiences would serve as a fair judge.

Of course it happened what was expected, people would just look for their own benefit attempting to twist the fibers of reality to their advantage. We know how that story ends; we’ve heard it say:

No one scapes karma.

What goes around comes around.

God keeps a book.

It is in the narration of the fall of men on Genesis when we got the news delivered:

Now you’ll suffer, you’ll have to work hard to get your food, even reproducing your kind is gonna be painful for the mother!

Then we see our great Mother Nature, who kindly provides magnificent ecosystems and then harshly kills so many others with viruses, predators, hurricanes, tsunamis, and more transformation to this earth.

But right there is where we can find hope too:

All of our lives, every generation has been able to move forward in the search of some comfort away from the hostility of nature, and we’ve thrived!

Indeed human race has dominion over all. But! Perfect enough it’s only back in nature where we can find what will really support our existence.

Just like my baby son, clinging to my breasts to find nurture for his newborn condition.

What a cycle! It is in our efforts to survive that we have also kinda enforced this abstract revenge against nature itself by mutilating it.

No matter how many attempts there may be to separate us from our origins, we are doomed to grow together by going back at then! So complex, so sophisticated, so rich!

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choosing who to be in a pandemic

Cómo vivir una pandemic mundial? Cómo vivir la historia? Vivir encerrado en tu casa sabiendo que salir significa arriesgar tu vida, cuando al mismo tiempo necesitas salir, la mente y el cuerpo lo piden… pero no puedes. No solo es tu vida además, también es la de otros a quienes arriesgas si te contagias con COVID-19 y lo transmites. Estos tiempos, estos días, han sido … Continúa leyendo choosing who to be in a pandemic

Don’t read this if you’re my boss

Léeme en español: Si eres mi jefe no leas ésto I’ve been thinking lately -for the last 10 years, pretty much since I hit adulthood -about my… how can I call it? Lack of commitment? Need for accountability? Lack of motivation? Need for discipline? Time and time again I reach this moment where my current thing becomes past news, just like that. Whatever interested me … Continúa leyendo Don’t read this if you’re my boss


Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. I’m just getting this new blog going, mainly for my own thoughts acknowledgment. The thing is that different thoughts keep passing thru my mind all the time, on different topics and they start getting connected; sometimes I wonder: am I crazy or is this creativity? I guess will find out soon enough (text messaging “haha”). … Continúa leyendo WELCOME